Approach to research misconduct

The National Institute of Technology (NAT) has established rules on public research funds for illegal activities in research activities and misuse of public research funds, and is working to prevent it. is.

Based on the "National College of Technology Rules on Handling of Public Research Funds", the compliance promotion officers and deputy officers at our school are set as follows.

Compliance Promotion Officer


Deputy Chief of Compliance

Directors and department heads, department heads, library directors, information processing center directors, regional collaboration and research promotion center directors

Technology Creation Department, Secretary General

Consultation and reporting desks for the administrative procedures for conducting research and the rules for using research funds are set up as follows.

○ Regarding administrative procedures related to conducting research

General Affairs Division Research Cooperation Section 0166-55-8129

○ Regarding rules for using research expenses, etc.

General Affairs Division Finance Section 0166-55-8111

○ Contact point for whistle-blowing, improper conduct in research activities, and improper use of research funds

National College of Technology Headquarters Secretariat General Affairs Section General Affairs Section 042-662-3120

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